We’d love you to join us in celebrating Easter

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Easter at Citipointe

There is no doubt that Easter is the most significant date on the Christian calendar and is the greatest picture of love and generosity the world has ever seen. John 3:16 says “For God so LOVED the world that He gave His Son”.

When Jesus hung on the cross to die, He became the sacrifice the world needed for sin, death and sickness; BUT through His resurrection He became the Way for a future and a hope for all humankind!

Our prayer is that you would experience this extravagant love in a personal way by attending our services over the Easter weekend.
All God’s Best,
Mark & Leigh Ramsey
Senior Pastors


Good Friday

We remember the day the world went dark as Jesus hung on a cross for our wholeness and salvation. The sacrifice for all humanity.

April 18  |  9am

1 Hour Communion Service

Easter Sunday Celebration

We are forever grateful for the power of the Cross and we invite you to join us to celebrate together the glory and power of the resurrection of Jesus

April 20 |  9am* & 5pm

*Full Kids Program
*Easter Egg Hunt to follow

Good Friday

We remember the day the world went dark as Jesus hung on a cross for our wholeness and salvation. The sacrifice for all humanity.

April 18  |  9am 

1 Hour Service

Easter Sunday Celebration

We are forever grateful for the power of the Cross and we invite you to join us to celebrate together the glory and power of the resurrection of Jesus. 

April 20  |  10am

Communion Service

Good Friday

We remember the day the world went dark as Jesus hung on a cross for our wholeness and salvation. The sacrifice for all humanity.

April 18 |  9am 

1 Hour Communion Service

Easter Sunday Celebration

We are forever grateful for the power of the Cross and we invite you to join us to celebrate together the glory and power of the resurrection of Jesus. Our Easter services are always filled to overflowing and we encourage you to bring family and friends to experience Easter together.

Easter Sunday Celebration service held at our Citipointe Pine Rivers location.

April 20  |  9am

Full Kids Program + Easter Festival + Egg Hunt to follow

Good Friday

We remember the day the world went dark as Jesus hung on a cross for our wholeness and salvation. The sacrifice for all humanity.

April 18 |  9am

1 hour Communion Service

Easter Sunday Celebration

We are forever grateful for the power of the Cross and we invite you to join us to celebrate together the glory and power of the resurrection of Jesus.

April 20  |  9am & 5pm

9am: Celebration Service
5pm: Testimony & Water Baptisms Service

Good Friday

We remember the day the world went dark as Jesus hung on a cross for our wholeness and salvation. The sacrifice for all humanity.

April 18  |  9:30am

Communion Service

Easter Sunday Celebration

We are forever grateful for the power of the Cross and we invite you to join us to celebrate together the glory and power of the resurrection of Jesus.

April 20  |  9:30am

Combined Gathering, Free Coffee & Hot Cross Buns, Kids – Best Day Ever

Easter Sunday Celebration

We are forever grateful for the power of the Cross and we invite you to join us to celebrate together the glory and power of the resurrection of Jesus.

April 20  |  9am

1 Hour Service with Coffee Van, Bouncy Castle + Food

United States

Good Friday

We remember the day the world went dark as Jesus hung on a cross for our wholeness and salvation. The sacrifice for all humanity.

April 18  |  5pm & 6:30pm

1 Hour Service, Kids Program available, Cafe open

Easter Sunday Celebration

We are forever grateful for the power of the Cross and we invite you to join us to celebrate together the glory and power of the resurrection of Jesus.  Our Easter services are always filled to overflowing and we encourage you to bring family and friends to experience Easter together.

April 20  |  8am, 10am & 12pm

Photo opportunities, Food trucks, Full Kids Program, Cafe open

Good Friday

We remember the day the world went dark as Jesus hung on a cross for our wholeness and salvation. The sacrifice for all humanity.

April 18  |  7pm

Healing & Deliverance Service with Freedom Collective and Fire & Fragrance Ministry

Easter Sunday Celebration

We are forever grateful for the power of the Cross and we invite you to join us to celebrate together the glory and power of the resurrection of Jesus.

April 20  |  10am

New Zealand

Good Friday Online Service

We remember the day the world went dark as Jesus hung on a cross for our wholeness and salvation. The sacrifice for all humanity.

April 18  |  9am

Watch on Youtube Search: Citipointe Auckland
Click here to watch online

Easter Sunday Celebration

We are forever grateful for the power of the Cross and we invite you to join us to celebrate together the glory and power of the resurrection of Jesus. With an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids – it’s fun for the whole family!

April 20  |  10am

Easter Egg Hunt, Kids Program, Cafe Open