Community Care
Get in Contact
+61 7 3343 8888
Australian Office
322 Wecker Rd, Carindale QLD 4152 Australia
Community Care
Love motivates us to act. Outside our walls are hurting, troubled communities that desperately need the compassion and love of Christ.
We follow in the example and words of Jesus when it comes to being an influence in the community in which we are planted. Our mandate is simple and based in Proverbs and Isaiah…
Proverbs 31: “Open your mouth for those unable to speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are left desolate and defenseless. Open your mouth, judge righteously, and administer justice for the poor and needy.”
Isaiah 61: “… They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations.”
Bringing Hope
There has never been a better time for the Church to bring hope and help to those that live in our neighbourhoods. Our example is Jesus – who was, is and will always be about having eyes for the one.
The Ivory Project
Australia only
Every new mum is gorgeous. Every new mum is courageous. Every new mum is our hero. Every new mum should be celebrated. Sadly, this isn’t always the case. Some do it really tough – with no support, no resource and not a lot of hope. And that’s not ok. Every sister needs a cheer squad, so we’re linking arms with our local maternity hospitals with gorgeous packs to get these mums started – packs of clothes, hygiene products and nappies. If you’d like to know more or get involved, click here.
P: (07) 33438888 E:

Christmas Hamper Appeal
Australia only
To us, nothing says Christmas like gathering around the table with family and friends. But not everyone can afford to celebrate together – or even at all. Each year, Citipointe Church gives out over 1200 hampers at Christmas to make the lives of those who are doing it tough just a little bit easier. Starting in October we begin our Christmas Hamper Appeal. If you or someone you know needs a hamper this Christmas please call us from October 1st.
P: (07) 33438888 E:

Citipointe Marketplace
Brisbane, Brisbane North & Brisbane West only
A hub for the neighbourhood; providing low cost food, clothes, household items and furniture. All served with great coffee and snacks, a friendly smile and a playground for the kids. It’s a place for everyone who calls their neighbourhood ‘home’. For what’s on offer at the Marketplace in your area, contact your local Citipointe Church.
P: (07) 33438888 E:

Coffee Drives
New Zealand only
We love to randomly bless the community where we are placed – and nothing says ‘blessing’ like a random act of coffee! Giving out 200 coffees to the businesses around us is our way of being neighbourly and sharing Jesus – as well as being the perfect conversation starter!
P: (09) 577 1073 E: