We are a church family based in the Redcliffe Peninsula, within the north east suburbs of Brisbane, that wants to see people encounter Jesus and find their freedom in who He is.
We are a church family based in the Redcliffe Peninsula, within the north east suburbs of Brisbane, that wants to see people encounter Jesus and find their freedom in who He is.
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Mark & Leigh Ramsey
Global Senior Pastors
Jared & Karolina Grant
Redcliffe Location Pastors
What’s On
Church Life
Playgroup Social
Playgroup Social is a place of community and connection for expecting mothers and those in the wonder of early motherhood.
AboutBabies are bundles of delight we are given to raise with wisdom, purpose and a sense of wonder. And because we believe all mothers should be celebrated in this season, Citipointe Playgroup Social is a place of community and connection for expecting mothers and those in the wonder of early motherhood.
We love kids & we want them to have fun when they come to church!
AboutCitipointe Kids is an exciting environment committed to discipling the youngest generation; teaching them biblical truths and instilling Godly values. We like to creatively communicate the gospel in relevant, fun ways so kids remember the truths long after the service has ended!
Parent InformationCitipointe is committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people and their protection from harm by providing a safe and supportive church environment.
Youth Society
Youth Society is the youth ministry of Citipointe and is making noise for Jesus in our cities and nations.
AboutA movement of young people that represent Jesus wherever they go. Our goal is to have high-schoolers discover the call of God on their lives – to rise up with a loud voice and make a noise for Jesus in our cities and nations.
Parent InformationCitipointe is committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people and their protection from harm by providing a safe and supportive church environment.
Young Adults Society
Young Adults are making waves of influence at all levels of society.
AboutFrom ages 17+, we meet regularly as the YASociety and are a genuine community of young people who wholeheartedly love Jesus Christ and encourage each other in the pursuit of knowing Him deeper.
20/30 Society
Married, engaged, dating or single, this demographic is for those who are late 20’s to 30’s, without children.
AboutFrom teachers to hairdressers to lawyers to budding entrepreneurs; whatever your career aspirations, we all desire to outwork the gifts God has given us and to be encouraged and surrounded by like-minded people. We wholeheartedly believe that The Collective has the potential to GREATLY influence all facets of our society in this season.
Citipointe Families is all about building strong and thriving families in our community.
AboutWeek after week, families walk through our church doors looking for friends, community, discipling opportunities and a deeper relationship with God. We know your concerns for raising kids, working your career and having some sort of social life. We also know we have the answer – from the fun to the serious and everything in between! Citipointe Families exists to be a lighthouse on the hill – to love people and ultimately lead them to an eternity with Jesus. We welcome you and your family. You belong here.
When the kids hit highschool or you hit those 40’s, it’s your time to join Citipointe Adults!
AboutWe have a community of Lifegroups where people in the same season are doing life together. Whether it be social or spiritual, we believe in creating moments where we can grow in relationship with God and each other.
For men of all ages, we gather for friendship and community.
AboutWhether you’re an employee, a business owner, studying or at home with the kids, men need mates. A few times every year we like to catch up and check in with each other – usually around food. A time for just the men and the sons; it’s here we forge new friendships and strengthen the old.
If you are female and between the ages of 1-100 you are part of the Citipointe Girl Crew!
AboutDoing life together with passion and purpose is important to us because we are called to influence our world. From boardrooms to sports fields, homes and university halls – we gather as a Crew at events and in Lifegroups to do the messy and the marvellous together. Wherever you find yourself in life – you belong with us!
We are a collective of creative artists who live to worship God wholeheartedly.
AboutWe serve our local church with excellence and influence our society with heaven-breathed creativity – because it points us back to the Creator of it all. From playing an instrument and singing to videography and graphic design; from stage managing and dancing to drawing and production – there’s so much room for you!
Community Care
There has never been a better time for the Church to bring hope and help to those that live in our neighbourhoods.
AboutWe are surrounded by local communities within cities that groan under the weight of ever increasing socio-economic disadvantage. There has never been a better time for the Church to bring hope and help to those that live in our neighbourhoods. Our example is Jesus – who was, is and will always be about having eyes for the one.
Kingdom Builders
Kingdom Builders is our ministry of generosity.
AboutAll followers of Christ are called to be generous but some are specifically gifted to generate finance for Kingdom purposes. They are people who recognise the call, accept the challenge and derive great joy and strength from funding the Kingdom. Kingdom Builders help make the future a reality.