When & Where
October 15th 2023 During the 8:30am & 10:15am Gatherings
Citipointe Church Brisbane 322 Wecker Rd, Carindale QLD 4152 Australia
Contact Us For more information email families@citipointechurch.com
Child Dedications
At Citipointe, we are honoured to be a part of the village that your family belongs to and are excited to share in this special moment. Dedicating your children to God is a significant moment for them and for you, as the ones God has entrusted to raise them. It’s a declaration that you will bring your children up in the ways of God and believe that this will set a foundation for them for the rest of their lives (Proverbs 22:6). If you have any questions or want more details please feel free to email us at families@citipointechurch.com or fill in the link to register for the next dedication.