Parent Information

Child Protection Statement of Commitment

Citipointe is committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people and their protection from harm by providing a safe and supportive church environment. Citipointe is committed to providing an exciting environment committed to discipling the youngest generation. We creatively communicate the gospel in relevant and fun ways that are engaging and memorable to young minds. In order to support this commitment, Citipointe is dedicated to our child and youth risk management strategy which has policies and procedures in place to effectively address the safety and wellbeing of children in our care. Any behaviours which jeopardise such an environment will not be tolerated.

To read about our code of conduct regarding children, please click HERE.

How we outwork our commitment to child safety.

  • Citipointe has a comprehensive Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy.
  • Citipointe’s Volunteer and Recruitment Policy includes provision for the recruitment, assessment, suitability, training and ongoing support and training for our staff and volunteers who work with children, including the obligatory Blue Card Check.
  • Our strategies for communication and support ensure that all of Citipointe’s Staff and volunteers understand what is expected of them with regard to providing a safe and friendly environment for children and young people. Parents of Primary school aged children are required to sign a consent form at check in for the first time. Parents of Secondary school aged children will be sent a consent form via SMS after their child checks in for the first time.
  • Citipointe has a clear complaints procedure. Please address your complaint to the head of department or an Executive Pastor to manage the process.
  • Our Policies and Procedures cover all legislative requirements for working with children and allow us to confidently care for your children.
  • Our Child Protection Policy covers the actions to be taken if any person becomes aware of, or reasonably suspects that a child has been harmed by another person either a church member, someone from outside the Church or by another child. The Citipointe Child Protection Policy is regularly updated in accordance with any relevant legislation changes.
  • Our staff and volunteers are trained in child protection practices through induction and ongoing training.
  • We have avenues for the disclosure of suspicions of harm. If you have any concerns of behaviour that seems suspicious that a child may be being harmed, please let a Child Protection Officer (Kids, Youth or Location Pastor) know. Our staff and volunteers who work with children are trained in their obligations under the Citipointe Child Protection Policy for reporting abuse.
  • There is a Code of Conduct for staff and volunteers who work with children which obligates them to act in a safe and responsible manner. It includes information on what we expect with regards to language, behaviour, supervision, physical contact, appropriateness of activities, behavioural management, transporting children, toilets, managing injuries or illness, visitors, use of photography or media, safety and confidentiality.

What we offer.

  • Citipointe Kids and Youth programs provide avenues for young people to meet in a safe environment which is engaging and fun, but also gives an opportunity for them to meet with God and learn about how to deal with life’s issues in a real way.
  • Our programs are fully supervised and parents are advised of how the program works, of check-in and pick up times.
  • We have a system to contact you in the event your child needs you while they are with us.

What we expect.

  • We expect our children to show respect to our staff and volunteers and to comply with safe practices. For our highschoolers, see Appendix One below – Conditions of Entry.
  • We expect our staff and volunteers to ensure that their behaviour towards and relationships with children reflect proper standards of care for children, and are not unprofessional or unlawful. We do not allow phone calls to teenagers after 9pm at night.
  • We expect our parents and visitors to also behave in a safe and responsible manner around children. Parents or visitors who exhibit unacceptable behaviour will be asked to leave. For our Sunday Kids Programs (not Youth Programs) we expect that there will be an adult on the church campus who is responsible for the child in case of emergency. On the rare occasion when the parent leaves the campus, it is important that the parent inform the Room leader. For our parents of highschoolers, see Appendix One below – Conditions of Entry.

What do I do if I suspect that harm has been caused to a child?

You are encouraged to report your concerns to one of the Child Protection Contact Officers (Kids, Youth or Location Pastor) or an Executive Pastor or to any other church employee. Citipointe will ensure that your concern is reported to the relevant State Authority handling child protection in a rapid and diligent manner. Your report will be treated in a confidential manner and with respect.

More information.

Who to Contact: an Executive Pastor, Child Protection Contact Officers (the Children’s and Youth Pastors at each location) or a Location Pastor.


Conditions of Entry for Highschoolers Citipointe Church Youth Programs


  • This is an underaged event. If you are over 18, not a high-schooler or parent/guardian, you cannot stay.
  • All high-schoolers and team must sign in on arrival. Ask what time sign-in is for your Youth Society program and please do not drop your child earlier as there is no supervision before this time.
  • Our commitment to parents/guardians is after your child checks in. Your responsibility is to make sure they are checked in.
  • Only a designated person is allowed to pick up teenagers from the check-in area. We do not allow them to meet elsewhere.


  • Once you are checked in, you cannot leave the fenced area of Society House unless your parent/guardian picks you up. Once you leave after the sign in period – you cannot come back.
  • If you have been dropped off for this Citipointe Program, you cannot loiter out the front for your own safety.
  • We reserve the right to inspect your bags.
  • We reserve the right to ask you to remove yourself from this property if you are intoxicated, under the influence, or if you are in possession of alcohol or any illegal substances.
  • Citipointe Youth Society is held on private property – you must adhere to the expectations and rules. If you cannot, you will be asked to leave.
  • Respect and listen to Youth Pastors and leaders. Respect each other.