We can help.
A hub for the neighbourhood; providing low cost food, clothing, household items and furniture. It’s a place for everyone who calls their neighbourhood ‘home’. For what’s on offer at the Marketplace in your area, contact us with the details below.
We exist to unmistakably influence the world for good and for God.
Because people matter.
Age: 51
Children: 3
Grace was born in Sudan now known as South Sudan and this country has gone through terrible civil war and war crimes. Approximately 14 years ago her village came under attack and she had to run for her life along with her 3 children and husband. As they were fleeing the village her husband was shot dead in front of her and the children. Grace and her children walked from Sudan (Maridi) to Uganda (Kampala) to a refugee camp – walking the equivalent of Brisbane to Cairns (154 hours) under awful conditions and no food.
They settled into the refugee camp but this wasn’t a life she wanted for her kids – they needed education to REALLY survive in this world. So she found a job in Uganda whilst living at the camp as a nurse. She saved money and sent her kids to school in Uganda – applying for Refuge in other countries at the same time. Just as they were settling in Uganda Joseph Kony – leader of a rebel army was coming through to collect children to become child soldiers. Grace grabbed her children and missed Kony by just 15 minutes. God worked a miracle in following weeks as a church in Brisbane had been petitioning for Widowers and children to get VISA’s in Australia.
Fast forward to now – all her children have graduated University in their chosen fields including education, law and justice. She now is a key member of the sudanese community working for QLD Health and assists Citipointe Community Care with Sudanese Relations and uses the services herself.
Age: 40
Children: 5
At a young age (19) Esterina lost both her parents as her house was bombed in Khartoum, Sudan. Leaving her and her sister to be separated as they were taken in by different churches for shelter. She heard she had an Aunty in Egypt and went there not knowing where she could find her only to find out she had no Aunty there and the Aunt was in Australia. Esterina found a relative to stay with whilst she worked as a maid to save for a VISA. Ester applied many times to the UN for refuge in Australia however she didn’t have enough family support to vouch for her but they would still review it over the next 5 years.
Every time she prayed her needs were answered. There is no prayer she had prayed that God hasn’t answered – even the tiniest prayers.
By this time she met a man and married him however after their 3rd child he became violent and she suffered abuse that cannot be described – he left her for dead and she was in a Coma for 3 months. Just as as she awoke the VISA came through and she was able to flee to Australia with her children and the government already had a house for her to stay whilst her papers were sorted.
Fast forward to now – she has been accessing Food through Citipointe Community Care for the last 5 years and with all her children at a Christian School – having low cost groceries assists in her being able to send them to a great school with a Godly education. Without Citipointe Community Care – she said her family would not have eaten nor would she have found the friends she has now.